Bluebird x Kate McCloud

Sustainability of Beautycounter's Countersun SPF [IMAGE ABOVE]


Overall, this product's sustainability is good (match the TLDR)

[Carbon Graphic]

Why this checks out

You’re doing better than 2/3 of moisturizers on the market on both waste and carbon. Nice job! You’ve removed secondary packaging, made your supply chain design reasonably efficient, and are using a light weight packaging format with PCR.

In short, after 1 purchase of the Daily Stone Starter Kit and 3 purchases of the Refill, Kate McLeod's products produce fewer carbon and waste emissions than typical bottled body lotion for the same number of uses. And the longer someone uses Kate McLeod's Refills instead of a traditional body lotion, the greater the reduction of the product’s carbon and waste footprint.

[Waste Graphic]

How Bluebird calculates these numbers (same every time except for the what the brand did brown section part)

Carbon & waste calculations don't mean a whole lot in isolation since methodologies. Below are the areas we include in our calculations. For more information, learn about our methodology to the right.

Learn more about our methodology
Materials Icon

Materials and product design



The brand did XYZ which lowers emissions ABC

Factory icon

Component manufacturing


Why it's important

The brand did XYZ which lowers emissions ABC

Transportation Icon

Transportation of materials


Why it's important

The brand did XYZ which lowers emissions ABC

Recycled IconDegradability Icon

Degradability and Recyclability


The actual math

Overall, the carbon footprint for the Daily Stone Starter Kit is 698 gCO2e and the waste footprint is 182 grams of waste per unit. Below, you can see the breakdown of the product’s carbon footprint.


ADD DESCRIPTION OF BENCHMARK PRODUCT. Bluebird’s benchmark database of industry averages was used to calculate the footprint of a typical bottle of body lotion. Typically, body wash is packaged in an HDPE bottle with a mixed-polymer Pump, a Polypropylene overcap,  and label. Our database also defined the manufacturing processes, transportation methods, and other supply chain details based on industry averages for this product type.

Daily Stone Starter Kit

% of the Total Carbon Impact

Materials and Packaging Design

165 gCO2e


Component Manufacturing

390 gCO2e


Transportation of Materials

105 gCO2e


Transportation of the Product

38 gCO2e


Highlighting a few changes

Because The Daily Stone Starter Kit is designed for reuse, things get pretty interesting when comparing The Daily Stone Starter Kit + Daily Stone Refills to typical bottles of body lotion.  Below, you can see the carbon, waste, and plastic impact of the Starter Pack + Refill compared to a bottle of body lotion. The impact is measured on a per use basis.

After 1 use of the Daily Stone Starter Kit (1 included Daily Stone)

Carbon impact

Waste impact

Plastic waste

Daily Stone Starter Kit (1 use)

656 gCO2e

182 g

0 g

Typical Bottle of Body Lotion (1 use)

552 gCO2e

56 g

40 g

Sustainability Impact

↑ 15% more carbon

↑ 69% more waste

↓ 100% less plastic waste

After 5 reuses of the Daily Stone Starter Kit (1 included Daily Stone + 4 Refills)

Carbon impact

Waste impact

Plastic waste

Daily Stone Starter Kit + Refills (5 reuses)

1,321 gCO2e

223 g

0 g

Typical Bottle of Body Lotion (5 purchases)

2,761 gCO2e

278 g

195 g

Sustainability Impact

↓ 52% less carbon

↓ 20% less waste

↓ 100% less plastic waste

After 10 reuses of the Daily Stone Starter Kit (1 included Daily Stone + 9 Refills)

Carbon impact

Waste impact

Plastic waste

Daily Stone Starter Kit + Refills (10 reuses)

2,152 gCO2e

275 g

0 g

Typical Bottle of Body Lotion (10 purchases)

5,523 gCO2e

556 g

390 g

Sustainability Impact

↓ 61% less carbon

↓ 50% less waste

↓ 100% less plastic waste

After 20 reuses of the Daily Stone Starter Kit (1 included Daily Stone + 19 Refills)

Carbon impact

Waste impact

Plastic waste

Daily Stone Starter Kit + Refills (5 reuses)

3,816 gCO2e

378 g

0 g

Typical Bottle of Body Lotion (5 purchases)

11,047 gCO2e

1,113 g

780 g

Sustainability Impact

↓ 65% less carbon

↓ 66% less waste

↓ 100% less plastic waste

In short, after 1 purchase of the Daily Stone Starter Kit and 3 purchases of the Refill, Kate McLeod's products produce fewer carbon and waste emissions than typical bottled body lotion for the same number of uses. And the longer someone uses Kate McLeod's Refills instead of a traditional body lotion, the greater the reduction of the product’s carbon and waste footprint.

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